List of User Permissions

This is a list of all permissions available in Mynt, along with a brief description of what each permission controls.


Amend Receipt – This determines if the user can reopen a closed receipt and make changes to the line items on the receipt.

Application Setup – This determines if the user is able to access the program setup or not.

Change Name on Receipt – This determines if the user can change the item’s name as it appears on the receipt.

Change Prices – This determines if the user can change the item’s price on
the receipt.

Create Cash Movements – This determines whether or not the user can carry out cash
drawer movements.

Delete Receipt – This determines if a user can delete a receipt or not.

Delete Sales Lines – This determines whether or not the user can delete line items on a receipt.

Discounts – This determines whether or not the user can access and apply discounts.

Documents – This determines whether or not the user can access the Documents screen in Mynt.

Fast Tender – This determines if the user is able to use the fast tender button.

Final Day Report (Z Report) – This determines whether or not the user can carry out the End of Day Report.

Invitations – This determines if the User has permission to apply invitations to the lines on a receipt.

Modify Cash Drawer Movements – This determines whether the user can modify cash drawer movements or not.

Modify Customers – This determines if the user can modify customers.

Modify Receipt Lines – This determines if the user can modify the number of units on a single line item on a receipt.

Modify Tender Method – This determines whether the user can modify the tender
media of an already paid receipt

Modify Users – This determines if the User can modify other users in the system. By giving a user this permission they can change the permissions set on their own account.

Open Drawer – This determines if the user can do a no sale and open the drawer. When receiving payment for a receipt, the cash drawer will still open even if they do not have permission.

Reporting – This determines whether or not the user can access the reporting screen in Mynt.

See Previous Daily Reports – This determines if the user can see closed out daily cash reports.

Unlock Receipts – This allows the user to open up receipts that are currently in use by another user. By default no one will have this permission as opening a receipt in use can cause issues by re-opening a closed receipt. It is highly advised to give this permission to no one in the system.

Utilities – This determines whether the user has access to Utilities section in Mynt. Utilities is where you can backup, restore and erase sales data.

View Cash Balance – This determines if the user can see the amount of total sales while closing out the end of day sales.